

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is close to the heart of our company because we believe that businesses have a responsibility towards society and the environment. We are committed to making a positive difference in the world by creating shared value, promoting environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical business practices.

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Collaborated on spreading awareness on environmental problems.

Collaborated with Hariyaval Punjab to spread awareness about hazards of plastic, saving water, plating trees and revitalising our soil. This event was held at our office in Quark City, Mohali and was attended by our employees and experts from Hariyaval Punjab. Plastic has created menace over the last few decades. The hazards of plastic and effective disposal techniques were discussed. An expert, educated us on how to make ‘eco-bricks’ out of plastic waste at home and use them. As humans, it is our duty to take care of other beings in our environment, and we need to act responsibly towards our environment. We also got acquainted about the dying soil and how soil is a complex ecosystem on which most life is dependent. We took a pledge to responsibly dispose plastic and try making eco bricks at home.